Bluestacks bluetooth enable
Bluestacks bluetooth enable

bluestacks bluetooth enable

Step 4: Save the changes and exit the BIOS. Step 3: Look for the option related to virtualization such as Virtualization Technology, Intel Virtualization Technology, Intel VT for Direct I/O. Step 2: Press either Esc, F8, F12 or F10 when your manufacturer’s logo appears in order to enter the BIOS setup menu. Solution 4: Enable Virtualization Technology Click Restart Now button after the changes. Once you have selected DirectX option, change the CPU Cores number from the drop-down menu and increase the RAM capacity settings to the recommended setting. Step 5: Select DirectX for graphics mode. Step 2: Click on the options button on the top right corner. Solution 2: Switch to DirectX graphics mode Improper settings or disabled in virtualization technologyĭisable the antivirus application by right-clicking the antivirus icon from the system tray and select the option Disable to check if BlueStacks working.Solution 1: Disable Antivirus temporarily You can try restart the Engine or your PC.įollow below solution steps to resolve BlueStacks Engine could not start issue. Solved: How do I fix BlueStacks Engine Won’t Start or Could not start the Engine?įor PC: Could not start the Engine.

Bluestacks bluetooth enable